Top Ten Television:
10. Dracula- starring Jonathan Rhys Meyers, this drama featuring the world’s oldest vampire hasn’t premiered yet. It airs on October 25th, and I am so excited to see it. Therefore, it gets placed on my Must- See list. 

9. Revenge- Now on its third season, and
  after a rather bumpy second season, this show is a definite Must-See. The first two seasons are on Netflix and feature a girl named Emily Thorne (Amanda Clarke) who was wronged as a young girl. As a rich adult in the Hamptons, she is going to right those wrongs using any means necessary. It’s a really rich drama, full of betrayal and wit, but it’s also an easy watch. I binge-watched the first season over a year ago and haven’t looked back since.

8. True Blood- this HBO hit series starts its last season next year. It’s seventh season finished weeks ago, but it’s worth re-watching. The show peeked with its fourth season, and most fans have watched it go downhill, but it picked right back up this season. It’s an adult vampire show though, and I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone under the age of 17. My favorite: Eric Northman. This show has eye candy for the ladies and action and gore for the men.

7. The Vampire Diaries- A fifth season? Already? A teenage vampire show at heart, this surpasses True Blood purely for the characters and the consistent story line. This show never fails to capture my attention and hold it. The reason it’s not closer to number one on my list? Because my favorite people, The Mikaelsons, aren’t in it anymore, which means no Klaroline relationship. Not that I’m sore about that or anything, but I saw season five, episode one, and I have to say- ha! No Tyler (yet)!

6. New Girl- The funniest comedy of all time. Okay, maybe not literally, but it’s pretty close. Every single character/actor really brings the laughs and it’s hard to pick a favorite. It became more drama-y in the last season but I’m hoping it gets funnier again. I don’t want to watch fifteen minutes of love triangles and boyfriend problems, but I would watch fifteen minutes of Winston having sympathetic PMS and anxiety attacks.

5. The Soup- E’s humorous clip show has been around for about ten years now with Joel Mchale as the host. It’s funny, it’s silly, and it makes me feel really good about myself. It’s been a favorite of mine for ten years now, and I recommend it to everyone that needs a good laugh.

4. Once Upon a Time- This season we’re in Neverland! Yay! This show picks up its third season on a ship, with Hook, Emma, Snow, Charming, and the Evil Queen all working together. Is there a better premise? I’ve always love fairy tales and retellings, and this show combines them both. It’ s quirky and fun and has just enough drama without going overboard. The first season was really magical (oh, I am so punny)
and you can catch it on Netflix along with the second-not-so-great-but-still-good- season. 

3. The Originals- I haven’t seen more than thirty minutes of the first episode and the entire pre-pilot, but I. Am. Excited. Klaus, Rebekah, and Elijah get together for their spin-off show set in the mecca of all things paranormal: New Orleans. I’m very interested to see where this goes, to see who drops in from The Vampire Diaries, and to see if the characters stay true to themselves.

2. Game of Thrones- O.M.G… This show…It’s purely amazing. I used to not like this fantasy genre. I used to make fun of it. But that was before I watched GoT. The first three seasons are on HBO Go and I suggest you watch them a.s.a.p. The next season won’t be on for another 8 months or so, but it’s a show I can re-watch every day. There are only ten episodes a season, but it’s good enough for me.

1. Sherlock- I didn’t watch this series until a week ago, thanks to my unhealthy Martin Freeman obsession (am I the only girl that thinks he is hot?), and I only had one thing to say after I watched all six episodes of the two seasons, “Why didn’t I see this sooner?”.
It’s a BBC show, so they take longer to come out, but the episodes are 90 minutes, no commercials, and on Netflix. Benedict Cumberbatch plays a terrific Sherlock Holmes set in modern times and Martin Freeman plays his (cute) sidekick, John Watson. The acting is superb, the storylines are incredibly intriguing, and even the side characters bring something special to the table. Even if you don’t like mysteries, British shows, or Holmes himself, you need to give this a watch. I can guarantee you’ll like it, and most likely love it. The next season is rumored to come out in November or January, but nothing is set in stone yet.

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